Monday, January 5, 2009


Finally I manage to sit down and arrange my photos to upload.

(2009 resolution: take less photos)

the pictures will do the talking.
Ervin's 1st birthday!
usually when neweryounger kids come out, we will play with the younger one. but this time round, different! chloe has grown so much prettier!!
i can't get enough of her!!

freaky's bday!
top left: they are actually praying to duabeigong.
top right: we thought by asking a bloody tall caucasian to take photo for us, we will get a better view of the whole orchard lighting, but we're so wrong, we neglect the fact that we are short, and she needs to tilt the camera downwards in order to take a photo for us.

Went Akashi jap restaurant at orchard parade hotel for jap food.
freaky the vampire wants something raw.
freaky looks like a sa da jie that day.
Happy Birthday to her!

happy birthday to me too!
xmas eve
Happy birthday to sq!
halfday work, super happy.
Lunch@marina's corner near our workplace.
beefy was good.

Xmas day 2008

walked for like 1.5 hours before we finally settle at westin for dinner!
food was pathetic. like mich says, I need 5 of those. (actually more)
2009 resolution: eat in moderation
First time I like bread before dinner. Super nice!
pizza was good too!
only main dish not that good.

26 xmas breakfast.
super full, didn't take the photo of the zhu chang fen was it was gone in less than a minute!

4 dishes for 2. everyone was looking at us.
2009 resolution: stop eating

Next day, went for a walk before the worse happended.
not quite like how we missed the flight from HK.
but once again, i confirmed freaky dai sai.
tsk tsk tsk. luckily we manage to buy another tix back. So we waited for 2.5 hours, reading magazine and >>>
strawberries, grapes, tangerines.KFC
i know i know, my resolution, but they are meant for 2009.

this is the pic that cost $19.50
we thought we are at the correct platform.

28Dec08 dkny's xmas exchange
wahahahahha. i can't stand it, KY & NY look so sweet together.
nobody is couple in the pics.

The gift of undies.

and D's hersheys (i think it cost more than the mug).

I got hava slippers from yen!!
and electric toothbrush from N!!
wahahaha.. not that i'm unhygienic or what.

meet up with the girls later in the night.
I super love my this hair..wahahaha.
can cover ear le!
xuan, my friend say your hair nice.. happy?!

New Year's Eve
Chuan's birthday
ice skating..
with a golfer, a ballet dancer, an aerobics instructor and ena.

pei jiu nu lang for the day: olx

ballet dancer, glfer, reiko and the incredibles.

chuan, if you notice the ribbons,

"We had chris till the end it sux"
- Jus, 2008

Pls don't bully him just because he is short.

garrick emogo's 2009 resolution: grow taller

last pic for the day,
I have totally no freaking idea what Jus is doing on the floor.

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